Logging in to Blackhawk Technical College’s MyBTC website and navigating to Blackboard.
For a smooth experience BTC recommends using Google Chrome for signing into MyBTC and using Blackboard.
- Visit the Blackhawk homepage https://blackhawk.edu/ you will see the Blackhawk logo in the corner and “Let’s get started” in the center.
- Click on the red “MyBTC” button in the upper right-hand corner.
- Enter your Blackhawk email and password*, for students: [email protected] for staff: [email protected] *What is my password? How do I reset my password? - BTC Technology Help Desk (blackhawk.edu)
- After logging in you’ll see the MyBTC main page.
- Scroll down slightly to the "Student Quick LInks" card.
- Click on the "Blackboard" link from within the menu.
Accessing Blackboard from the "Main Menu".
- After logging in you’ll see the MyBTC main page.
- On the upper left click on the Hamburger button
(the triple bar) to access the "Main Menu".
- Scroll down from within the menu to the "Blackboard" link.
- Select "Login with BTC" from the drop-down menu and continue to login from there.
Scan the QR code on how to install the MyBlackhawk (MyBTC) app on a mobile device.
Get the Blackboard Learn app on your mobile device.
The direct URL for MyBTC is https://experience.elluciancloud.com/btc Home - MyBTC (elluciancloud.com)
The direct URL for Blackboard is https://blackhawk.blackboard.com/ Login – Blackboard Learn
The direct URL for the Blackhawk website is https://blackhawk.edu/ Home | Blackhawk Technical College